Monday, August 23, 2010


The airport is fairly quiet at 4:30a. It took a while to get through security because there was only one lane open and the people in front of me (seriously, the two people directly in front of me) both had issues with getting through. (Issues such as not reading the instruction signs though, to be fair, the person two in front of me had a non-American passport, so that might have partially been a language issue.)

My flight this morning is interesting. I technically have one flight, but there is a stopover in Random Hub Town. I'm not sure where my co-waiters are going, as a result. Well, except for the girl with a European laptop plug -- I'm guessing that she'll be on the plane to Frankfurt, too.

Plans for today's flights include: reading my photographed guidebook for Bonn, reviewing all of my vocab from the intensive German class I took this summer, and starting on the first Harry Potter book auf Deutsch.

In other news, I am a champion light packer -- when I checked my single, small bag, I noticed that I was carrying less than people taking domestic flights. Said bag isn't near full, either, and also not extended. Score!

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